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                         L'CHAIM - ISSUE # 1190
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   Dedicated to the memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson N.E.
        September 28, 2011sh Hashana / Ha'Azinu    29 Elul, 5771

                             All I Want...

"May you and yours be blessed with health and happiness throughout the
coming year."

"May the blessings of health, peace and contentment be yours."

"May you be inscribed and sealed for a good, sweet year."

At this time of year, wishes to friends and family for the upcoming year
abound. And our wishes usually contain what we hope we will have in our
own lives, health, happiness, prosperity. We are, in essence, blessing
our friends and hoping that G-d will hear our blessings and fulfill

That's what we want from G-d. But what does G-d want from us?

The Jewish people were commanded to offer to G-d two lambs each day, one
in the morning and one in the evening. The whole world and everything in
it belongs to G-d, so why does He need our lambs? Is He "hungry" maybe,
that He needs two lambs every day?

G-d commanded us to bring sacrifices because He wants us to remember Him
every single day - and not just when we need Him. The Midrash (Tana
D'Bei Eliyahu) records G-d's clarification of His position in this area.
"I am not lacking anything," He tells the Jewish people. "My children,
what do I ask from you? Only that you should love one another and
respect one another."

We ask G-d for health. All He asks is that we love each other.

We ask G-d for good jobs. All He asks is that we respect each other.

We ask G-d for emotional strength to get through hard times. All He asks
is that we honor each other.

We ask G-d for children whom we can be proud of. All He asks is that we
be kind to each other.

Day after day, year after year, we present our lists of requests of what
we want from G-d and what we want G-d to give to our loved ones.

Like a child let loose in Toys 'R Us, we want this and that, and can't
we get one of these and two of those?

And like the ever-patient parent, G-d says to us, "You are all my
children. I would be happy to fulfill all of your requests. All I really
need to see is that you treat each other with love and respect. That you
are sensitive to each other's needs and that you care for one another."

Is this not what our parents wanted from us? Isn't it what all parents
want from their children? "Don't give me the cards, the presents, the
box of chocolates. Just be nice to each other. Just behave yourselves,"
our memory tapes replay.

Don't fight. Look, you made him cry! You don't have to like her, but you
do have to be nice to her because she is your sister, she always was and
she always will be!"

"My children, what do I ask from you? Only that you should love one
another and respect one another."

Sisters and brothers, may we all be inscribed and sealed for a good and
sweet year, a year of health and happiness and the ultimate happiness of
the arrival of Moshiach, NOW.

Adam, the very first human being, was created on Rosh Hashana. No sooner
did he come into existence than he appealed to all of creation - animal,
mineral and vegetable - to crown G-d as King of the universe. "Come, let
us prostrate ourselves and bow, let us kneel before G-d our Maker!" he

In Psalms, Rosh Hashana is described as the day on which "G-d has
reigned, He has donned grandeur." G-d's dominion over the entire world
was total and complete.

Following Adam's example, we too crown G-d on Rosh Hashana. Every year
on this day we accept His sovereignty anew and reaffirm His Kingship.

As related in the Midrash, on Rosh Hashana G-d makes a request: "Crown
Me as your King!" "Accept upon yourselves the yoke of My Kingship!" Rosh
Hashana is thus unique, for it is the day of G-d's coronation. We crown
G-d by blowing the shofar and praying "Reign over the whole world in
Your glory."

In fact, each and every Jew has been entrusted with a Divine mission: to
imbue his surroundings with an awareness of G-d's sovereignty. Even the
youngest Jewish child can play a significant role in crowning G-d King
on Rosh Hashana!

Bringing Jewish boys and girls to shul on Rosh Hashana is a time-honored
Jewish custom. There the children listen to the shofar and participate
(as much as they are able) in the prayer service, making sure to answer
"amen" whenever appropriate. When a Jewish child prays with the rest of
the congregation, his pure and innocent voice ascends on high,
convincing G-d to accede to our request that He be our King.

Furthermore, the children's enthusiasm in answering "Amen" has a
positive effect on the adults. Together, young and old proclaim G-d the
"King of Israel" and "King of the entire world."

In truth, the prayers of a single Jewish child on Rosh Hashana are so
powerful that they can tip the scales, causing G-d to inscribe the
entire Jewish people for a good year.

Our acceptance of G-d's sovereignty on Rosh Hashana is not a one-time
event. Rather, this coronation extends throughout the year, when every
day we reaffirm His kingship.

As soon as we wake up we say, "I offer thanks to You, living and eternal
King." Before partaking of food we recite, "Blessed are You, L-rd our
G-d, King of the universe." Whenever we are about to perform a mitzva
(commandment), we bless G-d's name and declare Him King. Whatever a Jew
does, it should always be apparent that he has accepted the yoke of

May we very soon merit the complete Redemption, for at that time G-d's
sovereignty over all of creation will be open and revealed, as it
states, "The L-rd shall be King over the entire earth; on that day the
L-rd shall be One and His Name One."

   Based on letters of the Rebbe Chai Elul and Gimmel Selichot 5746

                             SLICE OF LIFE
                       Days of Awe: New Caledonia
                           by Rabbi Ben Tanny

A person's earnings for the coming year are determined in the days
between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. (Talmud, Beitza 16a)

The plane taxied slowly to the airport terminal and then came to a stop.
I strapped on my backpack, picked up the Torah scroll, and headed to
clear New Caledonian customs. As I had expected, a man met me at the
exit gate. He was thrilled to see me with the Torah. "It has been so
long," the man said. "May I carry it?"

I handed him the Torah which he held reverently for a few seconds. Then
his face lit up with the biggest smile. "We are so delighted you could
come," said the man. "We are maybe 150 Jewish people here mostly from
Algeria and Tunisia. It has been a long time since we have had a rabbi
and a Torah."

"I am not a rabbi," I corrected him. "I am an 18-year-old studying in a
Rabbinical seminary. Perhaps one day I will be a rabbi."

"Yes, but you can read from the Torah. You know how to blow the shofar,
lead the prayers, and put up some mezuzot. We here cannot do this very
well. We are isolated on this island."

The man's name was Abraham. I knew this from having spoken to him on the
phone. Other than knowing his name, I knew nothing about him though I'd
learn a lot as he welcomed me to stay in his home for the following

Abraham spoke with me in French. I understood most of what he was saying
with my Montreal Quebec French, though there were some differences. When
we needed clarification we switched to broken Hebrew. Abraham had never
been to Israel but his parents had taught him some Hebrew when he lived
in Algeria.

The truth was I had not wanted to come to New Caledonia for the High
Holidays. I had just spent almost an entire year of intensive study in
Australia and was scheduled to fly home to Montreal. I wanted to see my
family and friends. There was also a synagogue in Montreal that had
offered to pay me $800 to conduct services over the High holidays.

But two weeks before the end of the school term a call had come through.
The Jewish community of New Caledonia wanted a rabbi for a few weeks.
The senior yeshiva students laid a "guilt trip" on me. I was the only
student in the yeshiva who could lead a service, blow shofar, and speak
French. In addition, they knew that I had solo backpacked around Europe,
so they thought I might just be crazy enough to go solo to this French
Polynesian island.

After a large dose of hearing that I was the only one who could do the
job, I agreed to go. I found someone who would lend me a small Torah
scroll provided I insure it. Also, as requested by the community, I
purchased 10 mezuzot and 50 kipot on the agreement that they would pay
me back for everything.

Though I wouldn't earn the money I could have earned in Montreal, I
imagined that I would at least have some fun exploring the island. But
upon arriving in New Caledonia, I wasn't so sure about that.

In the week preceding Rosh Hashana, I visited Jews in and around Numea.
I affixed 10 mezuzot to door-posts, put tefilin on people, helped a boy
find a yeshiva in Israel, and even had an interview with a local
newspaper. I was kept busy teaching Torah and it seemed as if all 150
Jews wanted to meet and talk with me.

I was asked to sit through a number of community meetings and I gave my
two cents when asked, and sometimes even when not. At one point they
were discussing building plans for a new synagogue and mikva. One of the
big donors did not want to give any money towards the construction of
the mikva. "If you have money for just a synagogue or a mikva, Jewish
law requires that you build a mikva," I explained. It took a little more
convincing, but in the end he agreed to contribute.

I finally did get a few days break in the days between Rosh Hashana and
Yom Kippur. A wealthy community member rented for me a wave runner for a
full day. I rode from one island to the next, stopping off to snorkel in
the reefs teaming with magnificent coral and fish life. The next day he
gave me a plane ticket to one of the smaller neighboring islands. I
cycled around, exploring native villages where people lived in grass
huts, caves filled with bats, and deserted white sandy beaches. I picked
green coconuts to drink and found plenty opportunities to escape into my
own tropical paradise.

When I got back Abraham set me up to go spear fishing with one of the
local champions he knew well. Needless to say I didn't spear anything
but the fisherman gave me half his catch to take back for Abraham to
cook for us. It was a delightful change from canned tuna.

The two and a half weeks flew by. As Abraham drove me to the airport, I
sat in the car thinking; "Even if I did not make any money I
accomplished a lot and had a great time. The money made in Montreal
would have been nice, but I got to have an incredible experience." In
addition, I had a direct flight to Montreal and would please G-d see my
family in the next 24 hours.

"We are very thankful that you came and for all your help," Abraham
said, as he bid me good-bye. "We want to give you something as a token
of our appreciation." He handed me an envelope. In the envelope there
was $1000 Australian  which equaled $800 Canadian based on the exchange
rate at that time. I had just received the same amount of money that I
would have earned had I forgone New Caledonia and gone home to Montreal.

At the young age of 18, my trip to New Caledonia had helped me realize
that I could not make one penny more or less than what G-d had intended
for me. I did the right thing by coming to help the New Caledonian
community, I had an awesome experience, and I received the exact amount
of money that was destined to be mine*.

    Read more of Rabbi Ben's adventures at

* The Talmud (Beitza 16a) states that the amount a person will earn for
the year is determined in the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur,
except for one's expenditures in honor of Shabbat, Jewish holidays, and
for the Torah education of one's children.

                               WHAT'S NEW
                          Whatever the Weather

In this beautifully illustrated, rhyming picture book, a young boy and
his lively family enjoy every type of weather that G-d sends their way.
And at the end of Whatever the Weather, it becomes clear exactly how
snow, wind, rain and sunshine benefit the whole world. A great way to
explore nature and increase a child's appreciation for G-d's universe.
This newest release from HaChai Publishing was written by Shainy Peysin
and illustrated by Emily Owens.

                            THE REBBE WRITES
        Freely adapted and translated from a letter of the Rebbe
                       18th of Elul, 5735 (1974)

Rosh Hashanah is the "head" of the year, hence a source of direction and
instruction to guide the Jew's conduct each and every day of the year,
as the head directs all the limbs of the body.

Being that Rosh Hashanah is also the anniversary of the creation of the
first man, Adam, the progenitor of all mankind, it behooves us to
reflect earnestly and deeply on the teachings of Rosh Hashanah, as these
are explicitly or implicitly indicated in the Torah.

The Talmud states: "The first person was created on the eve of Shabbos.
Why? It may be likened to a king who built a palace, perfected it,
arranged a feast, and then invited guests... Such is the way of the Holy
One blessed be He, Who created... the whole world with wisdom and all
worldly needs (and then he brought in guests), namely, Adam and Chavah

Yet, the Torah also declares, "Man unto toil is born," and that every
person should live by the credo, "I was created to serve my Creator."

How are these two contradictory ideas about the purpose of man to be
reconciled? If man is G-d's honored "guest" who finds everything ready
and prepared for him, how can he at the same time be a "servant" who has
to serve G-d constantly, and in a manner of real effort (toil)?

One explanation of the apparent contradiction is that precisely the
combination of both characteristics provides a profoundly meaningful
instruction in life, down to everyday living, which expresses itself in
several aspects:

 1. It was expected of Adam and Chavah - which is a guideline for every
    Jew, man and woman - that even when they find themselves in a
    situation as if in a royal palace, which is provided with not only
    all requirements, but also "to perfection," and they are invited to
    it as honored guests, it behooves them to make of it a service to
    G-d, the Creator of the whole universe.

    The highest degree of this achievement is found in Moses, as the
    Torah tells us. For, while the Torah testifies that "No other
    prophet arose in Israel like Moses, to whom G-d made Himself known
    face to face," yet, when he attained his highest degree of
    perfection, or, as our Sages expressed it, when he reached the
    "fiftieth portal of understanding," he was still "Moses, G-d's

    On the other hand, as it has often been pointed out, a Jew serves
    G-d not only through prayer, Torah study, and doing mitzvot, but
    also - to quote Maimonides - with his eating and drinking... and in
    all his deeds, even sleeping. For a Jew must prepare himself before
    going to bed in a way that his sleeping is elevated thereby to the
    status of Divine service - which is one of the reasons, indeed the
    deeper content, of the Shema before retiring to sleep.

 2. A second aspect, which likewise has to express itself in the daily
    life, is that G-d gave Adam and Chavah - and through them to all
    Jews, men and women, to the end of posterity - the capacity and
    ability to "serve," that is, to add something to the "palace" with
    all its requirements, notwithstanding the fact that these were
    created by G-d, with Divine wisdom.

    Thus, however good the state of affairs is around a person and with
    the person, everyone can (hence, must) bring it to a higher degree
    of perfec-tion, to the extent of - to quote the remarkable
    expression with which the Torah describes man's contribution to
    Creation - becoming a "partner with the Holy One blessed be He in
    the work of Creation." In other words, he is capable of
    contribu-ting so much that the Torah, Toras Emes - the Torah of
    Truth, declares him qualified as a "partner."

 3. With the above aspects in mind, every Jew should find it easier to
    do what must be done in order to rise ever higher in all matters of
    Torah and Mitzvos (commandments), and Judaism in general, in full
    accord with man's purpose and life's destiny - I was created to
    serve my Creator. Let everyone just consider the wonderful powers
    with which G-d has endowed every Jew, even to become a partner - not
    in a small thing, and one thing, but - in the entire universe,
    created by G-d's Wisdom!

 4. The said contribution cannot be achieved in full measure through a
    limited, sporadic service, rendered on special occasions, or at
    certain times; but - only through a way of life which expresses
    itself in every-day service, by consecrating every act, word, and
    thought to be for the sake of Heaven, and consonant with the
    principles of know Him in all your ways - so that G-dliness clearly
    pervades all details of even mundane matters, and, as noted above,
    even while eating and drinking, etc. on an ordinary working day of
    the week.

 5. In the area of "to serve my Creator" there is the well-known
    directive to serve G-d with joy, and also with deep, inner elation
    derived from the realization of being privileged to serve G-d.

May G-d grant everyone success in the efforts to achieve all the above,
and in the way of joy and pleasure.

May G-d eliminate anything that might hinder it, G-d forbid, by "working
salvation in the midst of the earth," in an obvious and revealed manner
- including the essential,

To grant every Jew and all Jews a good and sweet year in all respects
and in all aspects.

With blessing for a Kesivo vachasimo toivo for a good and sweet year,

                            WHAT'S IN A NAME
ADAM means earth. In Genesis 2:7 we read of the creation of Adam: "Then
the L-rd G-d formed the man (adam) from the dust of the earth (adama)."

ADINA is Hebrew for "delicate" or "refined." In I Chronicles 11:42, we
read of a warrior known for his bravery in King David's army, Adina the
son of Shiza the Reubenite. In more recent times, Adina is used as a
feminine name.

                        A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR
                         Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman
On the eve of this new year, 5772, we would like to wish the entire
Jewish People our sincerest blessings for a k'siva vachasima tova,
l'shana tova u'msuka - to be inscribed and sealed for a good, sweet
year, with blessings from every letter of the Hebrew Alef-Beis. May this
year be:

A year of "Arise and have mercy on Zion,"... uplifted in matters of
Moshiach and the Redemption... faith in G-d and Moses His servant...
traveling with the Heavenly clouds... Revealed Wonders; Wonders in
Everything... the building of the Holy Temple... trust; Great wonders...
the true and complete Redemption; Dignified Wonders... victory... the
seventh generation is the generation of Redemption...King David lives
and is eternal; "Those who rest in the dust will arise and sing and he
will lead them"... Moshiach is coming and he has already come... the
revelation of Moshiach; "He will redeem us"... "And they believed in G-d
and in Moses His servant"; "This one will comfort us"; the wonders of
true freedom... a new song; an abundance of good (Rambam); the king
shall live; inscribed and sealed for a good year... the harp of
Moshiach; learning Moshiach's teachings; the coming of Menachem who will
comfort us... the King Moshiach; wonders... revealed miracles... a
double portion; treasures... the completion and end of exile... the
revelation of the Infinite Divine Light; "Humble ones, the time of your
Redemption has arrived," wealth, materially and spiritually; "Jerusalem
will dwell in open space," paratzta - 770; Your servant David will go
forth; the ingathering of the exiles... acceptance of his sovereignty by
the people; Rebbe - Rosh B'nei Yisrael; peace... a new song...
Moshiach's shofar... unity of the Torah, unity of the Jewish people,
unity of the land of Israel; Resurrection of the Dead... "A new Torah
will come from Me"

                          THOUGHTS THAT COUNT
Give ear, O heavens and I will speak; listen, O earth to the words of my
mouth (Deut. 32:1)

The Divine service a Jew is asked to perform involves the fusion of two
opposites. We must serve G-d with simple faith and accepting G-d's
authority, which stem from the essence of the soul and transcend our
understanding. But our Divine service must also involve our conscious
powers of intellect and emotion. They too must perceive G-dliness. The
bond which the essence of the soul shares with G-d must be extended into
the realm of the conscious powers, so that we will serve G-d with more
than simple faith. We will also be able to understand G-dliness, love
Him, and hold Him in awe.

                                           (Likutei Sichot, Vol. 4)

                                *  *  *

The essential G-dly potential within a Jew allows him to be
simultaneously "close to the heavens" while he is immersed in the
application of Torah to worldly concerns. His state of spiritual
elevation elevates, without negating, his existence within the material

                                     (Sichot Kodesh, Ha'azinu-5751)

                                *  *  *

I will heap misfortunes upon them; I will use up My arrows on them
(Deut. 32:23)

Comments Rashi, "My arrows will be spent, but they [the Jewish people]
will not be spent." All the nations who have oppressed the Jews
throughout the ages will eventually be punished with extinction, but the
Jewish people will exist forever, despite the persecutions against them.

                                                      (Torat Moshe)

                            IT ONCE HAPPENED
The Jews of the tiny village near the town of Ushamir suffered terribly
under the heavy hands of the dictatorial manager of the lands they
leased. He worked them to the bone, though nothing they did ever pleased
him. Things were bad enough in normal times, but when he decided to vent
his rage, life became completely unlivable, for the manager would cut
their salaries without a second thought. This manager was, sad to say,
actually a Jew.

No one knew where he had come from or what his past was, but as far as
the present was concerned, it was a known fact that his tie to
Jewishness was in his origin only, and even that was a burden to him.

It was the week before Rosh Hashana and the tzadik (righteous person),
Rabbi Mordechai Dov of Hornistopol arrived in the town of Ushamir for
Shabbat. It was his custom during the month of Elul to travel through
all the nearby towns and villages to arouse the hearts of the people to
the worship of the Creator and urge them to return to Him in full

Hundreds of Jews from all the neighboring settlements streamed to
Ushamir to spend Shabbat together with the rebbe. Among those who came
were many Jews from the nearby village. After Shabbat, the people were
given an opportunity to speak to the tzadik to receive his blessings.

The residents of the next village decided amongst themselves that this
would be a chance to tell Reb Mordechai Dov about the manager. With
great sorrow the rebbe listened to their heartbreaking story. He was
particularly distressed when he heard that the man was a Jew. "Wait till
tomorrow, and we'll see what is possible to do," the rebbe told them.

The next day, right after the morning service, Reb Mordechai Dov asked
his attendant to get the carriage ready. He then told the carriage
driver to travel to the neighboring village. The inhabitants of the
village who were at that very time preparing to return home, were very

In great haste, they, too, jumped into their wagons and followed the
tzadik. A veritable caravan of wagons set out, the carriage of Reb
Mordechai Dov leading the way. When the caravan reached the shtetl the
tzadik inquired where the manager lived, and instructed his driver to
proceed there.

When the villagers saw the caravan with the tzadik in the lead, they
emerged from their homes and stood outside in anticipation. All the
while, the tzadik was very withdrawn, saying nothing. When they saw from
afar the large and beautiful mansion which was the residence of the land
manager, all the people drew to a halt. "What is the tzadik going to
do?" they wondered. "What will he say to that wicked one?" they asked
one another. "Perhaps with the gaze of his holy eyes, he will turn the
manager into a pile of bones," they thought, hopefully.

Standing on the porch, watching the scene, in all his glory, pipe in
mouth, stood the land manager, his entire appearance reeking of
arrogance. Yet, as the caravan approached his house, one could see the
questioning look of wonder cross his face: What was the meaning of this

Reb Mordechai Dov asked that his carriage halt just in front of the
house. Behind him stretched a long line of wagons as far as the eye
could see. The tzadik lifted his eyes and beheld the beautiful mansion.
He noticed that the manager was studying him intently. The tzadik looked
in his direction with a steady and unwavering glare. Reb Mordechai Dov
got down from the carriage and walked toward the mansion. The others,
eyes focused on the tzadik, didn't budge. Reb Mordechai Dov reached the
door and after a few seconds, the door opened up from inside.

The tzadik and his attendant entered the house. Only a few minutes
passed and the tzadik and his attendant left the house, climbed up on
the wagon and departed. What happened inside, the people heard later
from the attendant who reported that from the moment the manager had
opened the door and until they departed, not one single word was spoken!

With a small nod of his head the manager motioned for them to enter and
pointed to a chair for the tzadik to sit on. He, then sat opposite them.
The tzadik put both hands on the table, straightened his back and lifted
his pure eyes, to look directly into eyes of the evil dictator.

At first, the manager returned his gaze with a hard, defiant look. But
gradually as the seconds turned into minutes, his glance began to
soften. The gaze of the tzadik, however, which had started off soft and
merciful, gradually became deeper and harsher.

Then, the eyes of the manager grew moist; a large tear rolled down his
cheek. At that moment the tzadik rose from his seat, and without a word
walked to the door. The manager remained motionless in his seat, as if
nailed to his place, unable to even accompany his guest to the door.

That day the tzadik remained in the village. Everyone who had not been
in Ushamir that Shabbat now was able to receive the tzadik's blessing.
Towards evening, when the house in which the tzadik was staying had
emptied of all the people, a bowed figure was seen approaching the
house. It was the manager. He entered the house in an agitated state, as
if pursued by demons. For the next two hours he was closeted with the

That Rosh Hashana a new and unexpected worshipper appeared in shul. It
was of course, the manager. For the holiday, he stood practically
motionless, wrapped in talit and praying, and weeping copious tears.

From that day on, the estranged and despotic manager changed into a true
repentant and a friend of his fellow Jews.

                            MOSHIACH MATTERS
In the Amida prayer recited daily throughout the year, we beseech G-d
for the true and complete Redemption. In the Amida of Rosh Hashana, we
intensify our prayers with five blessings in which we implore G-d to
sanctify His Name on the Holy Temple, for His sovereignty, for the
kingship of the house of King David, and similar references to the
Redemption. Thus, throughout our Rosh Hashana prayers, we should surely
pray for the complete Redemption!

                     (The Rebbe, 2nd day of Rosh Hashana 5744-1984)

       END OF TEXT - L'CHAIM 1190 - Rosh Hashana / Ha'Azinu 5772

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